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Tired of wasting time hitting on guys or girls in the clubs, Facebook or the latest fad smartphone app? Try the tried and trusted way to meet new people every day looking for sex in Australia. Bang Buddies brings together horny adults of all ages looking for something casual, no strings encounters, a fuck buddy or maybe a secret affair.

Stop wasting time, register for your free account and start meeting people in griffith east for sex tonight.

Bang Buddies is the sex dating site for everyone. No matter what you look like, how sexually experienced you are or how kinky, you will find loads of members looking to meet someone like you.

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Using our simple but powerful website or mobile enabled features when you are on the move, you will be amazed how easy it is to connect to people looking for sex when you are.

Caution, naughty pictures and rude talk inside!

We are an adult community. You will encounter sexually explicit images and talk of a sexual nature while browsing this site. If you are easily offended, Bang Buddies probably isn't what you are looking for.

We try to keep Bang Buddies open and uncensored. We do ask our members to be polite and respectful when approaching other members. Threatening or abusive behaviour will not be tolerated.

Australia's exciting sex dating site

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No other personals site in Australia gives you all these great features and more.

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The quick, free and immediate* account activation means you can be browsing people's profiles in minutes. The ever increasing number of members means there's almost certainly always someone new and horny online. Use the dedicated form on this page to get your free account now. There's no dodgy credit card age check to join - we just need an email address to send your private login details to. *Account activations are immediate but each account will be verified. Our staff remove any member who mistreats the service or other members.

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