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If you don't have time for small talk or games, let Bang Buddies find you casual sex with no strings!
Bang Buddies is the sex dating site real people. We're not interested in escorts or fakes. We want to bring together horny sexy men and women who just want to fuck - sounds crude, but we all feel like that sometimes don't we. Bang Buddies was especially created to allow horny Aussies get themselves laid. Whether you're looking for hot women or a sexy guy we're sure there's someone online for you now.
Find sex in plainland tonight
It would be no use showing you loads of fuckable people who are miles away. Our search feature allows you to set your location so we can show people close to plainland or wherever you happen to be. You can also set your interests and the type of people you find a turn on so won't have to wade through pages and pages of profiles.
We try to keep Bang Buddies open and uncensored. We do ask our members to be polite and respectful when approaching other members. Threatening or abusive behaviour will not be tolerated. Bang Buddies is a safe, fun, sexual community.
Everyone enjoys sex, some more than others. The difference with our members is they know what they want and how to get it. is the dream destination for people looking for casual fun or even a illicit affair. Our members enjoy sex and don't get hung up playing games. Do you want to meet people that enjoy sex and want to experiment?
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It couldn't be simpler to get started with In just two minutes you could be browsing the profile of your new sex buddy. Restrict your search to just local members in plainland and you could even be meeting them today!
Use the form on this page to grab a free account and start seeing who's about and filling in your profile. There's no credit card checks to join or payment 'proof' required. As long as you're over 18 you can get an account and have it activated instantly. Tell us what you want and we'll show you the horny bang buddies that meet your needs!
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